Results for 'Alexander Yu Antonovsky'

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  1.  9
    Philosophy in a Polycentric World.Alexander Yu Antonovski - 2019 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 56 (4):117-138.
    In the first part of the article, the author substantiates the importance of philosophical communication as a kind of dependent variable that does not have an independent meaning without pointing to something else through which the philosophy itself (often negatively and non-reflectively) defines. We are talking about global centers of “systemic” communication (politics, science, religion, etc.), imposing their observations on other communities. It is argued that the priority of philosophical communication is justified by the ability to carry out “universal observations”, (...)
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    The Crisis of Collegiality in Scientific Organization, and the Scientific Policy.Alexander Yu Antonovski - 2020 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 57 (3):6-22.
    The article substantiates that science, thanks to the latest media in the dissemination of scientific communication (especially computer word processing, big data accumulation, mega-science installations, the latest international networking platforms and collaborations), has gone beyond all institutional, organizational, regional, national and partly disciplinary borders. Science as a supranational communication system has reached a complexity that is incompatible with the standards for evaluating scientific work and scientific achievements, which are traditionally carried out in the form of scientific committees, individual examinations and (...)
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  3.  19
    Incommensurability and Communication: To the Communicative Turn in the Philosophy of Science.Alexander Yu Antonovski - 2022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 59 (4):92-110.
    The article shows that Kuhn's concept of incommensurability emphasizes mainly the objective dimension of communication. To the thesis about the incommensurability of the meanings of scientific concepts in competing paradigms, we oppose the idea of a three-dimensional space of communicative dimensions. We supplement the objective dimension of communication, within which the environmental evolutionary selection of the best knowledge is carried out, with equal social and temporal horizons.
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    On the Critique of Protest. Reply to critics.Alexander Yu Antonovski - 2018 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 55 (2):53-58.
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    Max Weber on Science: Reception and Perspectives.Alexander Yu Antonovski & Raisa E. Barash - 2018 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 55 (4):174-188.
    The article is devoted to social problems of modern science (as it were interpreted Max Weber) considered in the context of the system-communicative approach by N. Luhmann. In contrast to the modern work of art, the modern science, as M. Weber believes, is associated with the fundamental unattainability of “true being”, and, as a result, with the transitory character of any scientific achievement. The specialty of modern science, as Weber noted, is determinated, on the one hand by its self-understanding, due (...)
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    All the Worst is From the Victorian Spirit, All the Best is From the Zeitgeist.Alexander Yu Antonovski - 2019 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 56 (1):39-46.
    In his work, the author critically interprets the idea of the connection of the achievements of William Whewell in the field of the philosophy of science with the prevailing sentiments and social-cultural attitudes in the so-called Victorian era. The author believes that, on the contrary, all of Whewell’s positive achievements should be associated with the development of world science, with the spirit of the times, and above all, with its neo-Kantian background, whereas his mistakes and delusions (rejection of evolutionism, support (...)
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  7.  19
    Technologies of the Electoral Process: A Field Study of the Possibility of Informative Communication.Alexander Yu Antonovsky - 2017 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 55 (1):37-48.
    The article focuses on the role of social technology in the Russian electoral process. On this basis, the author provides answers to more general issues concerning such questions as whether it is possible in the Russian context to combine social stability and informative political communication; whether a conflict-free processing of objective information can be achieved; whether political communication can extricate itself from self-referential isolation around the issue of social unity and address the real challenges facing society; and whether the authorities (...)
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  8.  12
    The Science of Society and the Concept of Complexity.Alexander Yu Antonovski & Raisa E. Barash - 2020 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 57 (4):171-184.
    This article is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the publication of Niklas Luhmann’s book The Science of Society. The system-communicative approach to the analysis of science is reconstructed with a focus on the relation of science to its highly complex external world. The problem of complexity is posed as a key one and is considered in the context of the communicative “reduction of the complexity” of the external world, which science actualizes through its unique binary opposition (truth/falsehood distinction). The (...)
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    Science in Superposition. Towards a Communicative Semantics of the Concept of Science.Alexander Yu Antonovski - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (4):6-24.
    The article raises the problem of the ambiguity and polysemantic nature of the complex and heterogeneous semantics of the concept of science. This concept includes theories and methods, models and classifications of reality, scientific laws and laws of nature, scientific thinking, scientific publications, experiments and laboratory activities, scientific institutes and research teams, scientific research, expertise and scientific disciplines, scientific knowledge and scientific truth, etc. Nevertheless, with all the abovementioned complexity, science exhibits the properties of a single, dynamically developing complex phenomenon (...)
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  10.  18
    Why Does Science Need Losers?Alexander Yu Antonovski - 2023 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 60 (2):75-93.
    The article raises the problem of functionality and rational explanation of large arrays of communicative and unclaimed scientific knowledge. To solve the problem and explain this phenomenon, the resources of the system-communicative theory of scientific communication and social-evolutionist approaches are involved. The ability of the system-communicative theory itself to explain this phenomenon is considered as a possibility of its verification. In conclusion, a working hypothesis is proposed linking the existence of a class of unclaimed research and researchers with the function (...)
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  11.  8
    Radical Science.Raisa E. Barash & Alexander Yu Antonovski - 2018 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 55 (2):18-33.
    The authors identify several types of the new forms of protestmovement that are discusses within the problems of autonomy ofscientific system and the protection of the interests of scientists. They argue that the this type of communication shows how it is possible to combine both cognitive and normative attitude of science. The authors show the mechanisms of the reproduction of this communication and argue that it gradually turns into communicative macro system. The authors conclude that the protest movement in science (...)
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  12.  22
    How social ontology is possible from the point of view of epistemology and philosophy of language?Alexander Yu Antonovskiy & Raisa Ed Barash - 2022 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 26 (3):607-622.
    The article critically examines the project of Brian Epstein's social ontology. The authors propose to interpret a social fact as derived from the appropriate perspective of an observer carrying out a structural reconstruction of a social phenomenon and identify difficulties in the way of analyzing social facts as structurally independent of causally determining factors. The article shows that the determination and foundation of social facts cannot be understood as asymmetric, substantiates the symmetrical nature of the relationship between the determinable complex (...)
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  13.  7
    Chemical jargon: thinking out loud.Alexander Yu Rulev - forthcoming - Foundations of Chemistry:1-11.
    Language is an important part of the human culture. It serves for the expression and communication of thoughts. In is article, the problem of chemical jargon as a tool for communication between scientists is discussed.
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    Pegniochemistry as a new branch of the chemical science.Alexander Yu Rulev - 2015 - Foundations of Chemistry 17 (1):79-86.
    The creation of new branch of chemistry is reported. The chemical research article was examined seriously and humorously from the pegniochemistry point of view.
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  15.  28
    The Evolutionary Dimension of Scientific Progress.Alexander Yu Antonovskiy & Raisa Ed Barash - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
  16.  21
    The Mission of the Scientist Yesterday and Today: On the Centenary of Max Weber’s “Wissenschaft als Beruf”.Alexander Yu Antonovskiy & Raisa Ed Barash - 2019 - Social Epistemology 34 (2):117-129.
    ABSTRACTThe idea of a special role of the scientist in modern society was proposed by Max Weber in his lecture ‘Science as a Vocation’. Weber saw the scientific community as an entity possessing th...
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  17.  7
    Communication as an Epistemic Problem.Alexander Antonovski - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 47 (1):5-24.
    The author analyses the problem of the communication from the epistemological point of view, noting that the interest to the theme is obviously determined by the enormous ambiguity and by the disciplinary vagueness of the communication's notion itself. It is argued that it is the philosophical conceptualization of the communication that allows in a certain sense to «save» philosophy itself. The author notes that the philosophical studies of communication as if return the relevance to the classical philosophical problems: to the (...)
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  18.  21
    Social philosophy of science as the guardian of the “incarnation of truth in the world”.Alexander Antonovski - 2017 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 51 (1):68-75.
    In his paper the author establishes some arguments against the thesis of professor Walter Schweidler. The later defends the anti-representationalist claim that not every kind of knowledge is to evaluate on its truth and falsehood. The author maintains the opposite thesis that the all knowledge including the one about social premises of any kind of science may be evaluated (although not eventually proved) on their truth or falseness.
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    Communicative Interpretation of Science in the Context of the Classical Epistemological Problems.Alexander Antonovski - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 48 (2):159-175.
    In this paper, the author analyzes and discusses the communicative approach used in the philosophy of science developed by N. Luhmann. He shows how Luhmann's communicative approach can be used to discuss a wide range "the classical problems" of knowledge: criteria for scientific knowledge, its autonomy and tools for achieving it, the problem of the foundation and structure of the scientific knowledge, the relationship between concepts and words, theories and methods.The author also analyzes the problem of the communication constraints imposed (...)
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  20.  17
    On the Critique of Protest. Reply to critics.Alexander A. Antonovski - 2018 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 55 (2):53-58.
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  21.  20
    Evolutionary approach to the development of science.Alexander Antonovski - 2017 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 52 (2):201-214.
    The author considers the evolutionary approach to the development of the scientific knowledge in framework of the Niklas Luhmann's system-communicative theory and presents a thesis that in respect to the final evolutional state (state of stabilization of new form of knowledge) the organization of the Russian science has not yet achieved the world-level of sufficient autonomy because there was not yet been established the self-substitutive order of the knowledge accumulation which is inherent to the autopoiesis of the contemporary science i.e. (...)
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  22.  40
    Possible Mechanisms Underlying the Therapeutic Effects of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.Alexander V. Chervyakov, Andrey Yu Chernyavsky, Dmitry O. Sinitsyn & Michael A. Piradov - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  23.  13
    Radical Science.Raisa E. Barash & Alexander A. Antonovski - 2018 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 55 (2):18-33.
    The authors identify several types of the new forms of protestmovement that are discusses within the problems of autonomy ofscientific system and the protection of the interests of scientists. They argue that the this type of communication shows how it is possible to combine both cognitive and normative attitude of science. The authors show the mechanisms of the reproduction of this communication and argue that it gradually turns into communicative macro system. The authors conclude that the protest movement in science (...)
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    Identifying and quantifying main components of physiological noise in functional near infrared spectroscopy on the prefrontal cortex.Evgeniya Kirlilna, Na Yu, Alexander Jelzow, Heidrun Wabnitz, Arthur M. Jacobs & Ilias Tachtsidis - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  25.  61
    The origin of Metazoa: a transition from temporal to spatial cell differentiation.Kirill V. Mikhailov, Anastasiya V. Konstantinova, Mikhail A. Nikitin, Peter V. Troshin, Leonid Yu Rusin, Vassily A. Lyubetsky, Yuri V. Panchin, Alexander P. Mylnikov, Leonid L. Moroz, Sudhir Kumar & Vladimir V. Aleoshin - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (7):758-768.
    For over a century, Haeckel's Gastraea theory remained a dominant theory to explain the origin of multicellular animals. According to this theory, the animal ancestor was a blastula‐like colony of uniform cells that gradually evolved cell differentiation. Today, however, genes that typically control metazoan development, cell differentiation, cell‐to‐cell adhesion, and cell‐to‐matrix adhesion are found in various unicellular relatives of the Metazoa, which suggests the origin of the genetic programs of cell differentiation and adhesion in the root of the Opisthokonta. Multicellular (...)
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  26.  13
    Yu.D. Granin. National state. Past. Present. Future. SPb.: Expert decisions, 2014. 240 s.Alexander E. Razumov - 2015 - European Journal of Philosophical Research 3 (1):46-52.
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    Impaired Activation of Visual Attention Network for Motion Salience Is Accompanied by Reduced Functional Connectivity between Frontal Eye Fields and Visual Cortex in Strabismic Amblyopia.Hao Wang, Sheila G. Crewther, Minglong Liang, Robin Laycock, Tao Yu, Bonnie Alexander, David P. Crewther, Jian Wang & Zhengqin Yin - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  28. OHMI: The Ontology of Host-Microbiome Interactions.Yongqun He, Haihe Wang, Jie Zheng, Daniel P. Beiting, Anna Maria Masci, Hong Yu, Kaiyong Liu, Jianmin Wu, Jeffrey L. Curtis, Barry Smith, Alexander V. Alekseyenko & Jihad S. Obeid - 2019 - Journal of Biomedical Semantics 10 (1):1-14.
    Host-microbiome interactions (HMIs) are critical for the modulation of biological processes and are associated with several diseases, and extensive HMI studies have generated large amounts of data. We propose that the logical representation of the knowledge derived from these data and the standardized representation of experimental variables and processes can foster integration of data and reproducibility of experiments and thereby further HMI knowledge discovery. A community-based Ontology of Host-Microbiome Interactions (OHMI) was developed following the OBO Foundry principles. OHMI leverages established (...)
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    Artificial Neural Network Classification of Motor-Related EEG: An Increase in Classification Accuracy by Reducing Signal Complexity.Vladimir A. Maksimenko, Semen A. Kurkin, Elena N. Pitsik, Vyacheslav Yu Musatov, Anastasia E. Runnova, Tatyana Yu Efremova, Alexander E. Hramov & Alexander N. Pisarchik - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
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  30. Hsing hsüeh chü yü.William Alexander Parsons Martin - 1898 - Edited by Shan-Chih Lo.
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    Understanding Differences in Wayfinding Strategies.Mary Hegarty, Chuanxiuyue He, Alexander P. Boone, Shuying Yu, Emily G. Jacobs & Elizabeth R. Chrastil - 2023 - Topics in Cognitive Science 15 (1):102-119.
    Navigating to goal locations in a known environment (wayfinding) can be accomplished by different strategies, notably by taking habitual, well-learned routes (response strategy) or by inferring novel paths, such as shortcuts, from spatial knowledge of the environment's layout (place strategy). Human and animal neuroscience studies reveal that these strategies reflect different brain systems, with response strategies relying more on activation of the striatum and place strategies associated with activation of the hippocampus. In addition to individual differences in strategy, recent behavioral (...)
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  32.  16
    What Kind of Future is Humanity Consigned to by the Scientific and Technological Progress?Alexander L. Nikiforov & Никифоров Александр Леонидович - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):123-137.
    In recent decades, more and more works have appeared, the authors of which are trying to predict possible scenarios for the future development of mankind. This article discusses 5 such scenarios: F. Fukuyama believes that all peoples and countries of the globe in the XXI century will develop in the direction of building a liberal-democratic society; Representatives of the Club of Rome in their latest report, based on statistical data of industrial development, substantiate the idea that by the middle of (...)
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  33. Tafsīr mītāfīzīqā Arisṭū: tarjamah ʻArabīyah mafqūdah fī uṣūlihā al-Yūnānīyah wa-al-ʻArabīyah.Alexander - 2022 - Tūnis: Zaynab lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Ramaḍān Bin Manṣūr.
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    Max Weber at the turn of the millennium: a new generation, new (epistemo) logics.Alexander Golikov - 2021 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 1:57-74.
    The article is devoted to the study of the Max Weber’s position in sociology and philosophy and the position of sociology and philosophy in relation to Max Weber at the turn of the millennium. The author addresses a number of aspects of Weber’s theory (epistemology, axiology, ontology at the microlevel and at the macrolevel), well known and studied in sociology, in order to produce a holistic picture of Max Weber’s conceptual and methodological proposals in terms of their epistemological perspective. In (...)
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  35.  7
    Different beasts: humans and animals in Spinoza and the Zhuangzi.Alexander Douglas - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-7.
    The philosophical resonance between Zhuangzi and Spinoza has been often cited and rarely studied in detail. It was pointed out by pioneering Chinese scholars such as Hu Shih and Fung Yu-Lan.1 Never...
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    A Critical Analysis of Current Characterizations of Categorical Properties: Their Insufficiencies in Addressing the Individuation Regress in Dispositionalism.Jing Yu - forthcoming - Theoria.
    Dispositionalism confronts the well‐known challenge of the regress of the individuation of dispositional properties. Proposed solutions to this issue can be broadly categorised into two types: Alexander Bird's holistic‐graph approach, which asserts that dispositional properties can be uniquely individuated by their positions within the holistic graph formed by manifestation‐stimulus relations, and the dispositional‐categorical mixed/dual views, which introduce non‐dispositional (categorical) properties to circumvent the regress. This article critically examines the latter approach, contending that the current characterizations of categorical properties within (...)
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  37.  17
    Christian Eschatology and Social Utopias: To the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann.Aleksey A. Lagunov, Igor S. Baklanov & Svetlana Yu Ivanova - 2022 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):110-119.
    The relevance of the article is due to the fact that in the modern world, various utopian concepts do not lose their ideological strength, which for more than two centuries have significantly influenced public consciousness and have caused significant transformations in the socio-cultural life of mankind. The connection among social utopias and Christian eschatology has been noticed for a long time, and the thoughts expressed on this occasion by Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann in articles and diary entries can contribute to (...)
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  38. A Chinese Conception of the Hero.Donald Holzman & S. Alexander - 1961 - Diogenes 9 (36):33-51.
    Whoever knows a little about China—even very little—knows, in one way or another, about the Taoist Immortals, although our knowledge may be limited to the representation of them on a bit of sculptured jade, on a Han mirror or in some wood engraving. One has heard of them as an essential part of Chinese folklore. In the book of Taoist saints, the Liesien tchouan, they may be observed in all their oddness, living on pine cones or the “marrow of stones” (...)
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  39.  11
    Code of the Samurai: a modern translation of the bushido shoshinshu of Taira Shigesuke.Yūzan Daidōji - 1999 - North Clarendon, VT, U.S.A.: Tuttle Publishing. Edited by Thomas F. Cleary & Alexander Bennett.
    Immerse yourself in the world of the Samurai with this classic text. Code of the Samurai is the 350-year-old summary of the rules and expectations embodied in Bushido-the ancient Japanese "Way of the Warrior." Written by Taira Shigesuke, a Samurai and prominent teacher of military techniques, it was published posthumously in 1834. This influential book was intended as a training manual for young Samurai, outlining personal and professional standards. This accessible and enjoyable translation is by Thomas Cleary, the foremost translator (...)
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  40.  69
    Book review: Euclidean quantum gravity on manifolds with boundary by giampiero Esposito, Alexander yu. kamenshchik, and Giuseppe pollifrone. [REVIEW]P. Vargas Moniz - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (4):691-694.
  41.  57
    S. V. Bredikhin, Yu. L. Ershov, and V. E. Kal'nei. Fields with two linear orderings. Mathematical notes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, vol. 7, pp. 319–325. , pp. 525–536.) - Moshe Jarden. The elementary theory of large e-fold ordered fields. Acta mathematica, vol. 149 , pp. 239–260. - Alexander Prestel. Pseudo real closed fields. Set theory and model theory, Proceedings of an informal symposium held at Bonn, June 1–3, 1979, edited by R. B. Jensen and A. Prestel, Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 872, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York, 1981, pp. 127–156. - Moshe Jarden. On the model companion of the theory of e-fold ordered fields. Acta mathematica, vol. 150, pp. 243–253. - Alexander Prestel. Decidable theories of preordered fields. Mathematische Annalen, vol. 258 , pp. 481–492. - Ju. L. Eršov. Regularly r-closed fields. Soviet mathematics—Doklady, vol. 26 , pp. 363–366. , pp. 538-540.). [REVIEW]Gregory Cherlin - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (1):235-237.
  42. Pien cheng che hsüeh chʻien shuo.Yü Shen - 1978
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  43. Do cortical and basal ganglionic motor areas use “motor programs” to control movement?Garrett E. Alexander, Mahlon R. DeLong & Michael D. Crutcher - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (4):656-665.
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  44. A metarepresentational theory of intentional identity.Alexander Sandgren - 2019 - Synthese 196 (9):3677-3695.
    Geach points out that some pairs of beliefs have a common focus despite there being, apparently, no object at that focus. For example, two or more beliefs can be directed at Vulcan even though there is no such planet. Geach introduced the label ‘intentional identity’ to pick out the relation that holds between attitudes in these cases; Geach says that ’[w]e have intentional identity when a number of people, or one person on different occasions, have attitudes with a common focus, (...)
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  45. Ibn Rushd wa-al-Ghazālī, al-tahāfutān: dirāsah, mukhtārāt.Yūḥannā Qumayr - 1969 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Mashriq.
  46. Anarchy is what states make of it: the social construction of power politics.Alexander Wendt - 2000 - In Andrew Linklater (ed.), International relations: critical concepts in political science. New York: Routledge. pp. 6.
  47. Metaphysica.Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten - 1963 - Hildesheim,: G. Olms.
  48. (2 other versions)Antidotes all the way down?Alexander Bird - 2004 - Theoria 19 (3):259–69.
    Dispositions are related to conditionals. Typically a fragile glass will break if struck with force. But possession of the disposition does not entail the corresponding simple (subjunctive or counterfactual) conditional. The phenomena of finks and antidotes show that an object may possess the disposition without the conditional being true. Finks and antidotes may be thought of as exceptions to the straightforward relation between disposition and conditional. The existence of these phenomena are easy to demonstrate at the macro-level. But do they (...)
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  49. Tan tan pien cheng fa wen tʻi chieh shuo.Yü Chin - 1978
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  50. .Alexander Demandt - unknown
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